[2022/09/30]   恭賀!! 洪崇烈老師研究成果發表於優質學術期刊Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine

Insights on Distinct Left Atrial Remodeling Between Atrial Fibrillation and Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction.

Jen-Yuan Kuo, Xuanyi Jin, Jing-Yi Sun, Sheng-Hsiung Chang, Po-Ching Chi, Kuo-Tzu Sung, Greta S. P. Mok, Chun-Ho Yun, Shun-Chuan Chang, Fa-Po Chung, Ching-Hsiang Yu, Tung-Hsin Wu*, Chung-Lieh Hung*, Hung-I Yeh and Carolyn S. P. Lam.



收縮分率正常的心衰竭(HFpEF)和心房顫動(AF)是常見的共病症,彼此互為因果且近年來患病率越來越高,兩者皆呈現共同的高齡、高血壓和肥胖等臨床風險因子。由於趨同的臨床特徵和症狀,且兩者皆呈現一致的心房擴大現象,臨床上區分HFpEFAF仍然是一個診斷難題。藉用使用雙源,高空間分辨解析度的心血管電腦斷層CT系統針對115名控制組病患(HFpEFAF診斷)59HFpEF37AF38名同時有HFpEFAF診斷的病患做電腦斷層心房結構及影像解析,分析心房的空間幾何結構和形態特徵的差異,並且輔以先進心房型變做機械收縮功能的量化分析。我們發現儘管只有AF病患比起只有HFpEF的病患其心室填充壓E/e'較低 (9.8±3.8 vs. 13.4±6.4) 且兩者的LA 體積、LAWT PALS 相當,而LAWV [12.6 (11.615.3) vs. 12.0 (10.213.7) p = 0.01] LAWT(SD)[0.68 (0.610.71) vs. 0.60 (0.560.65) p < 0.001] 則在AF病患中比起單獨的HFpEF病患顯著增加,即便經過多變量調整和傾向匹配。在排除同時有HFpEFAF的病人族群後,對於區分單獨患有AF的病患,LAWV LAWT [SD] 均提供加成於PALS LAVi之上的增量質(所有淨重分類改進係數p值均 <0.05),並且在所有 LA 壁指數中,LAWT[SD] 有最大的診斷C值統計量(0.7895% CI0.70-0.86)。

(Left Panel) Five major steps in the LA mapping workflow for LA wall indices in the current study: (1) LA delineation, (2) inner boundary segmentation, (3) outer boundary segmentation, (4) wall mass calculation, (5) three-dimensional (3D) projection map, and display of the LAWT (SD). (Right Upper Panel) Hypothetical distinctive pathological mechanisms of LA remodeling in AF and HFpEF. (Right Lower Panel) Comparisons of LA wall indices in isolated HFpEF and AF in smaller and larger indexed LA volume after excluding patients with both HFpEF and AF (total n = 211).
